Many religious people believe that participating in gambling or lottery games is prohibited in the Bible. But it is a little more complicated than that. The term “gambling” means betting money on a game of chance, with the aim (of course) of increasing this amount of money. But is gambling a sin? We will try to find out to answer that in this article.
What Does the Bible Say About Gambling?

Nothing specific is said in the Bible about gambling or lotteries. What the Bible says about it is that “the love of money” is sinful. And besides being a waste of money, gambling is also a waste of time. Both, according to the Bible, could be better used for charity and useful things.
The Bible is right about that, of course. Indeed, it is better to help your fellow humans than to spend hours behind your desktop or cellphone wasting money and time playing online gambling games.
To be precise, the word ‘gamble’ occurs exactly zero times in the Bible. Look for it, in the King James Version. The word ‘casino’ too, but the history of casinos began only in the fifteenth century after Christ.
Where is gambling prohibited in the Bible?
Is gambling a sin? According to the Bible, gambling is not actually a sin. Jesus only warned us of the sins and temptations that can result from gambling.
The Bible said very little about gambling, and so it is not strictly forbidden in Christian lands.
So are you allowed to go to the casino if you are a religious people? What does the Bible teach about this? Is gambling a sin according to the holy scriptures?
If you still don’t know why gambling is taboo in many Christian lands and why it is still not prohibited by law, here is the answer.
One of the main reasons gambling is a sin is that the Bible warns that there is a danger of people becoming addicted to the love of money. This is called greed, one of the 7 deadly sins.
We don’t go any further that way. But there is a Christian view of betting and gambling in the play house. In the book of Proverbs in the Bible we find:
“The lot is thrown into the lap, but the decision is entirely in God’s hands.”
(Proverbs 16:33)
In other words, if a gambler might be so free from a sin if he paraphrase like this: you can be lucky or not, but whether (not) luck is yours, God decides. You can still enter the casino with this biblical saying.
We read further in the book of Hebrews in the Bible:
Let your trip without the love of money; and be satisfied with the moment; because he said, I will not disappoint you, I will not leave you either. “
(Hebrews 13 verse 5)
This biblical text makes gambling a little more difficult. Be content with what you have … By the way, this divine motto is definitely in the book of Luke in the Bible:
And he said to them, Beware and beware of greed; because it is not abundant a man can live off his possessions.
(Lucas 12 to 15)
And again in the lesser known book of 2 Corinthians in the Bible:
“Seeing not the things seen, but the things that are not seen; for things which are seen are temporary, but things that are not seen are eternal. “
(2 Corinthians 4 verse 18)
In short: beware of greed during worldly existence. That’s a good motto in all cases, and of course at the casino.
It still works today, with the Bible and gambling. But there’s more. ‘Quick money’ is not properly stated in the Bible.
“Good [goods, money] coming from vanity will be eliminated; but he who collects by hand will add to it. “
(Proverbs 13:11)
After all, quick wins or easy money will evaporate before your eyes, says the Bible. So gambling and winning money quickly using roulette is not considered divine. Unfortunately.
But the real death blow does come soon after, in the Bible. The Book of Exodus contains ten commandments. And one of them is, as you probably know:
‘Don’t covet your neighbor’s house; Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his servants, or his servants, or his ox, or his rump, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. “
(Exodus 20, verse 17)
You must not want to own what belongs to someone else. In a casino, you always end up winning money from other people, and never from the casino itself. The money you won, someone else has lost. You could say that gambling is not in line with the Ten Commandments.
However, you can say with the same ease that small games for small stakes from time to time don’t have to be catastrophic for Christians. As long as you don’t chase the big millions. From this point of view, the Postal Code Lottery is, according to the Bible, probably more sinister than a simple casino around the corner with a few slot machines.
So, is Gambling a Sin?
Question: What does the Bible teach about gambling? Is gambling a sin?
Answer: Gambling can be defined as “betting money on something that is not possible in an attempt to increase that money”. The Bible does not explicitly condemn gambling, betting, or lotteries. But the Bible does warn us not to be greedy for money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13: 5).
The scriptures also encourage us not to get involved in “get rich quick” (Proverbs 13:11; 23: 5; Ecclesiastes 5:10). Without a doubt, gambling focuses on the love of money and undeniably lures people with the promise of getting rich quick and easy. What’s Wrong With Gambling?
Gambling is a difficult topic. While gambling is sporadic and in moderation, it’s just a waste of money, but not necessarily “bad”. People waste money on all kinds of activities. Gambling is (in most cases) no greater waste of money than going to the movies, having an expensive dinner or buying unnecessary trinkets.
But at the same time, gambling is not justified by the fact that money is also wasted on other things. Money shouldn’t be wasted. The extra money must be saved for future needs or used for God’s work. This shouldn’t be at stake.
Gambling in the Bible:
While it does not explicitly mention gambling, the Bible does mention games that involve “luck” or “chance.” In Leviticus, for example, lots were cast for games.
Arguments against gambling
Billions of individuals love to bet. For a few, it’s the excitement of the pursuit – the chance of winning. For other people, it’s diversion or an approach to get away from the everyday crush.
On the off chance that you asked them, they’d disclose to you they’re not doing anything incorrectly. That betting is the same or not any more a misuse of cash than going out to see a film, show or pleasant supper out.
In any case, at that point there are individuals who oppose this idea. That, for some explanation, believe there’s a major issue with betting.
We thought it’d be intriguing to investigate the opposite side of the coin. Thus, coming up next are 6 contentions we’ve seen individuals make against betting.
1. Religion
This is the greatest contention on our rundown. Do a Google look for ‘contentions against betting’ and you’ll understand.
There are various reasons why strict individuals are against betting. However, they all come from various stanzas you’ll discover in the Bible.
For instance:
Keep your lives liberated from the affection for cash and be content with what you have.
Jews 13:5
You shouldn’t attempt to acquire material things when all your essential requirements are met. The individuals who work their territory will have plentiful food, yet the individuals who pursue dreams will have their fill of destitution.
Axioms 28:19
God needs you to work (for what you have). Betting is an approach to bring in cash without working, which is energized by avarice, narrow-mindedness and apathy. For the devilish boasteth of his deepest longing, and blesseth the greedy, whom the Lord hateth.
Hymn 10:3
But then another entry that denounces covetousness and excess.
The reality – the Bible instructs you to be benevolent and not to pine for (materialistic) things. What’s more, that you can set aside both time and cash by not betting – which you can use rather to better yourself and everyone around you.
However, is betting really a transgression? That relies upon who you ask, how they decipher the Bible’s exercises, and whether they follow everything the Bible instructs.
To be expected, some say betting is a wrongdoing. No doubt; no uncertainties, ands or butts.
However, at that point there are other people who accept just habitual betting is a transgression; it’s corrupt to be dependent on betting. In any case, it is anything but a wrongdoing to bet with some restraint.
Book of scriptures trusting Christians would consider impulsive betting a transgression. That is, betting is wicked for the individuals who are dependent on it. Impulsive players sin by sitting around.
Betting is for them such a compulsion, that most or the entirety of their extra time is spent betting in some structure and ends of the week and get-aways which ought to be gone through with family are gone on up with outings to urban areas that have club.
The more spotlight on betting a dependent individual turns into the less time he goes through with his family and the less gainful he becomes in his work.”
2. Betting Leads to Addiction
Another contention against betting is that it prompts building up a betting dependence. Insights show that 80% of American grown-ups bet every year. What’s alarming about that is they likewise show that each 3-5 card sharks (out of 100) battle with a betting issue.
Considerably more frightening yet, measurements shows that upwards of 750,000 youthful grown-ups (14-21) have a betting fixation. The danger of building up an enslavement dramatically increases for youthful grown-ups, with individuals between the ages of 20 and 30 having the most elevated danger.
Betting habit – like most addictions – is dangerous. It destroys families and regularly prompts self destruction, substance misuse, liquidation, wrongdoing and the sky is the limit from there.
3. It’s a Waste of Money
This is what Dave Ramsey (a monetary master) says about betting in a club:
“I don’t actually have an ethical issue with it, yet I don’t comprehend the idea. Call me insane, however I don’t get a rush from losing cash I’ve endeavored to procure. That is not actually amusement for me.”
He proceeds to say he thinks individuals who say they bet for the sake of entertainment or amusement are preposterous – that they accept they’ll really beat the house and win – that they’re a special case for the standard.
Also, shouldn’t something be said about the fortunate rare sorts of people who really win? Indeed, Dave says:
“You may see a report sometimes about somebody winning enormous cash in a gambling club, however that seldom occurs. Think, as well, about how much cash those individuals had flushed down the latrine beforehand while betting. There’s a great possibility they didn’t actually ‘win’ anything. As a rule, they likely recovered a little bit of their past, generous misfortunes.”
Imprint Ford (sequential business person, creator, land financial backer) shares comparative, yet various assessments to Dave Ramsey. Portage says he doesn’t bet since it’s a lot of like work; he gets no joy from it; and on the grounds that it’s so obvious to him he’d lose cash.
He proceeds to say you could spend a similar measure of exertion into almost some other undertaking and you’re probably going to leave more extravagant, not less fortunate, thus.
“Focus. Core interest. Computations. Extended periods of time. Everything seems like work to me. The lone distinction is that in Las Vegas the situation is anything but favorable for you.
In some other field of attempt, you could take similar individuals and set them to work doing basically these equivalent things. Cconcentrating, figuring, computing, and executing before you’d have a suitable business.
Not in Las Vegas. As time goes on, betting makes you more unfortunate. Invest a similar energy and exertion in practically some other undertaking, and you’re probably going to get more extravagant.
So how can it be that such countless individuals like to bet and don’t care to work?”
4. The Millenials Crave Control
Another contention comes from details that show twenty to thirty year olds (individuals brought into the world from 1980-2000) bet definitely not exactly past ages. An intriguing truth is the manner by which Las Vegas and The Strip appearance is progressively being driven by recent college grads, yet gaming represents under 37% of the income produced on the Las Vegas Strip.
Experts gives a few reasons (thinks about) why:
Twenty to thirty year olds discover (current) gambling machines exhausting. They need to be locked in and engaged – they need some power over the result. They incline toward night clubs to gambling club betting. They’re more fascinating in web based gaming, poker and every day dream sports.
They need expertise based games. They request decency. They need to be more friendly. They need encounters.
They also shared factor here is that recent college grads need more power over their result. They need games where ability can conquer karma – and that is simply unrealistic when each gambling club game courtesies the house.
Furthermore, for what reason offer all gambling club games kindness the house?
5. Many Gambling Games are Rigged
Offered you realize that each club game courtesies the house? It very well may be by as little as a large portion of a percent (.5%), yet the fact is, gambling club games are manipulated against you. This is known as the house edge.
“My recommendation is don’t burn through your time and cash on that stuff. Somehow, the house consistently wins. That is the manner by which they’re ready to assemble those goliath, billion-dollar places called club”. – Dave Ramsey
In a similar situation referred from above, the expert says that recent college grads needing more expertise based games (control) isn’t the (lone) issue.
In Las Vegas explicitly, the house edge – or the hold rate – has expanded in the course of the most recent couple of many years. All in all, the games were at that point manipulated against you – however now they’re much more out of line. You can discover preferable worth betting some place other over Las Vegas (at neighborhood club, for instance).
“… the fundamental supposition that will be that if recent college grads weren’t going through their cash celebrating in Las Vegas, they would spend it betting in Las Vegas (either that, or twenty to thirty year olds obviously ought to bet more to coordinate with what they’re spending on bottle administration)”.
“This is 100% wrong – actually if twenty to thirty year olds weren’t going through their cash celebrating in Las Vegas, they wouldn’t be coming to Las Vegas by any means”. – The Casino Owner
We can proceeds to say that, while betting has developed, so has the crowd. Twenty to thirty year olds have grown up utilizing the web – they approach (betting) data that previous ages didn’t approach.
“(Recent college grads) are more proficient and for the most part less inept about betting than any age to precede us. We are undeniably less inclined to accept, for instance, that the Martingale framework is legitimate”. – The Gamer
The primary concern – the web has made us more shrewd about betting. A great many people presently understand that gambling club games are (lawfully) manipulated against us. Among this and the deteriorating house edge, individuals decide to bet undeniably less, if by any means (clear by the diminishing gaming numbers in Las Vegas).
Underage Gambling
Another issue individuals have with betting is the influences betting has on children and youthful grown-ups.
This is an undeniable concern. Prior (#2) we shared a detail that says almost 750,000 youthful grown-ups have built up a gaming compulsion, and that they’re almost twice as liable to do contrasted with grown-ups matured 30+.
Most club say you should be 18 or 21 (in the event that they serve liquor) to bet.
Quit worrying about the details that show that even grown-ups 18-30 are twice as liable to build up a betting habit. What might be said about the individuals who are more youthful than 18/21, however figure out how to get a phony ID?
Need a model? What might be said about poker star Phil Ivey – you can’t peruse a bio about him without it being referenced he utilized a phony ID to play poker in Atlantic City in his initial days.
This issue isn’t restricted to block/mortar club, by the same token. Poker professional Tom Dwan began playing on the web at 17. He’s by all account not the only one, by the same token. It’s simpler for youngsters/teens to bet online since numerous gambling clubs (particularly seaward) don’t check your ID until you’re prepared to make your first money out.
Close to fixation and strict reasons, underage betting is the most grounded contention individuals make against betting. The avoidance of under age betting is a must in many country.
But is gambling really a sin?
That depends on who you ask, how they interpret the teachings of the Bible, and whether or not they follow everything the Bible teaches.
Unsurprisingly, some say gambling is a sin. There are no two ways to do that; no ifs and buts.
But then there are others who believe that compulsive gambling alone is a sin; it is sinful to be addicted to gambling. But it is not a sin to gamble in moderation.
The final answer

Are you allowed to gamble according to Christianity? Not really.
But we say you can do it, but in moderation and discretion. And also take a look at your environment and answer questions such as: do you belong to a certain religious group that prohibit gambling, in which country are you located, how do your family and friends deal with gambling, alcohol and the like? Do you mind possibly sinning?
Are those who participate in gambling games are sinners?
It is rude to say that anyone who has ever taken part in a lottery or gambling game is a sinner. Of course it’s a little more nuanced. In our busy life today, we all need time to relax. Whether you spend money on gossip magazines and get some relaxation from them, or whether you use them to play around in one of the wonderful online slots games, for example, it makes no difference.
The money you earn for yourself, you can do something good for yourself. We believe that God has better things on his mind than worrying about a few dollars spent on harmless relaxation.
Where is the limit?
Everyone has to decide for himself whether gambling is sinful or not. Of course, there is nothing wrong with looking for harmless activities that provide relaxation. Many people enjoy logging into an online casino for half an hour to relax for half an hour and dreaming of one of those wonderful online slots. Others like to have their brains cracked at one of the beautiful online poker tables. As long as the fun of the game is at the heart of wanting to get rich quick, people will always find a way.
When answering is gambling a sin, keep in mind:
According to Christianity, everyone who believe in Jesus will be saved, and according to Islam, every individual is personally responsible for his actions and every Muslim is also held accountable as an individual. However, that does not happen until Judgement Day.
So just relax, there is nothing to worry about. There might be no God at all up there…
More info: Gambling Law in Indonesia
Indonesia is not a christian country, that fact can be recognized. So unfortunately, the religious leaders can largely determine whether gambling, alcohol and the like are permitted, tolerated or punished. Many reports often come about Muslims being punished. Fortunately, it usually only takes a few strokes with a reed.
Incidentally, it is not only Muslims who are punished there for gambling, drinking alcohol or otherwise guilty. Just last month, Indonesia got a few Christians canned for gambling.
However, there is also a prominent gamblers from that country that arose to international level, such as John Juanda, a poker legend from Indonesia.